I wake up to squawks, and chirps, occassionally a buzz, every morning. As I wend my way toward my beloved home coffee pot, I spy a coterie of feathered friends, having a nosh, under our bird feeder. 2 families of Canadian geese, and their combined offspring, have made our yard their summer home. The goslings are cute, and look like cornish game hens as they are just covered in down, not quite feathers yet. The parents communicate in non verbal terms: warning them, corralling them, and telling them to get on the chow line. A lot like how I raised my twins I suppose.
The chimney swifts dart all over the place, zooming in to eat whatever they can find, and the juvenile squirrels are enjoying the buffet as well. The flowers are in full blossom. I cut roses and put in a bud vase on occasion, you know, to get fancy. After drinking my coffee, i wander over to our huge garden, praying that things are growing and not being eaten by whatever pest du jour is making the local 6 o'clock news.
Eventually, I must go on to the grueling task of designing more pieces that will entice my wholesale buyers, as well as organize for an upcoming retail show. Oh, and get my store ready for visitors and classes this summer, oh, and get pictures done, new slides, applications, taxes, oy. I am going back to bird watching. And my coffee.